

Founder of Veld and Sea, Roushanna Gray is a wild food artist, foodie, and avid forager. She shares her passion for the edible landscape through immersive educational experiences, connection and creativity.

Inspired by the natural world around her, she has been working with the exciting and diverse wild flavours found in the mountains, veld, forests, and gardens for the last 14 years.

The wide range of delicious and nutritious culinary offerings from the beautiful inter-tidal rock pools and kelp forests along the South African coastline also plays a major role in her cooking and teaching.

After starting a small wild flavoured tea garden in 2007, her passion to learn more about the edible landscape grew, and in 2013, inspired by her own children’s journey and adventures with foraged food she started teaching kids to forage and harvest workshops and then developed foraging workshops for adults.

In 2017 Veld and Sea was officially launched as a full-time business.

We hope to inspire

At Veld and Sea we hope to inspire reciprocal relationships with the land and ocean through immersive learning and nature as our classroom.
By working with the seasons and cycles of nature, we develop a deeper understanding of self, spirit and science, perceiving these spaces as home and habitat to more than just humans, with values that go beyond food.

The methodology of the Veld and Sea workshops and experiences are very hands on and multi-sensory.

Listening, immersing, looking, gathering, smelling, creating and tasting what you are learning in a held and nurturing space has a deep impact, and offers knowledge one is less likely to forget if you can personally connect it back to a memory, a time, a place and a taste.

There is flavour, food & medicine all around us

We just have to learn how to recognise it.

Join us tracking the edible landscape through the seasons with educational, immersive and wildly delicious experiences.

Based at the Good Hope Gardens Nursery in Cape Point, Veld and Sea offers:

  • Wild food foraging workshops
  • Interactive pop-up dinners
  • Adventure weekends
  • Nature inspired workshops
  • Curated experiences for corporate/brands/film
  • Travelling foraging workshops

Rediscover our local wild flavours.

We would love for you to join us track the edible landscape through the seasons on some of our wildly delicious adventures as we rediscover our local wild flavours.

From wild mushrooms to seaweeds and shellfish, edible weeds and flowers, to roots, shoots and more – every season has its own incredible flavour profile on offer.

We also host an array of exciting and educational nature inspired workshops, wild flavoured experiences and collaborative events for public groups, private groups and celebrations.

“A magical, inspiring, rejuvenating celebration of nature! An experience that will stay with me forever.”

Charisse Louw guest

“Thank you Roushanna for bringing your creative magic and beauty to everything and everyone you touch. This is an extraordinary gift!If you are looking for something both educational and tasty.. then what better than learning about sustainable foraging!? I have had the pleasure of experiencing Roushanna’s classes.. and I must say..just one word: INCREDIBLE!

Petra Joell guest

“Hands down one of the best things I have ever done in Cape Town, after living most of my life here and constantly on the search for amazing things to do that celebrate what the Cape has to offer.”

Susan McLeary guest